Keep Paying The Bills


My buddy is an actor. Not just because he’s acted in a few movies and shows before, but because he’s actively pursuing it. He’s in acting classes, he auditions all the time, and he memorizes monologues for fun. 

But he pays the bills through personal training. 

I’m a writer. Not just because I’ve written over 400 blogs, and dozens of website landing pages, but because I’m actively pursuing it. I’m continuing to publish daily, continuing to read often, and to seek out writing gigs. 

But I pay the bills by producing. 

My buddy and I are in similar boats. Working really hard at demanding work that we enjoy, while still seeing the next level of where we want to go. 

Maybe you’re in a similar spot. Maybe you’re working hard at two things. Maybe you wish you could fast forward a few years, or quit your day job, leave your boss on read, and put it all on red. 

I’ve got no advice other than to keep going. 

Keep going. Remember that you’re not alone, and remember that other people just like you believe this is the right path, too. 

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