Morning, Afternoon, and Night


“I’m a barista by day and a musician by night.” 
“I’m a teacher by day and a writer by night.”
“I’m a dog walker by day and a designer by night.”

People structure sentences like this often. (Usually those people are creatives who aren’t being that creative.) But I’m on board with the sentiment. Make your money, then move your dreams forward. 

I used to say this to people, and think it of myself. But I discovered one problem with it. Most of my friends wanted to hang out at night. So when I was working on music at night, I had to choose between my friends and my goals. 

Sometimes the goals won out, sometimes the friends won out. Either way, whatever I chose felt like it was giving a middle finger to the other. 

Now I say something different. 

I’m a writer by morning, a producer by day, and a friend by night. 

The idea behind this is that the writing gets my freshest mental energy in the morning. It’s what I want to do in my thirties (maybe my forties, we’ll see). The producing is how I make my money in the day. I’m also fortunate enough to love it. But it’s tiring. And my family and friends? They get my full attention at night. 

Maybe being successful and being rich and being a good husband and being a decent friend wasn’t so poetic after all. Maybe it just comes down to time management. 

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