How to shop for Christmas gifts, even if you’re terrible at it

I’m terrible at Christmas shopping. It stresses me out so bad. I wait until the last minute, then I can’t think of any good ideas, then I run around the picked-over malls in my hometown, finding anything that could pass as thoughtful. 

Like anything, good Christmas shopping requires preparation. The last-minute shopping scenario is not conducive to clear, creative thinking. 

The key is to start a list in November of all the people you want to buy for. Then, do a couple online shopping sessions. As time passes, random ideas will pop on your head of what you could get these people on your list. Since you already have a list, it’s easy to write them down. As you find gifts for people, start ordering them online. They’ll arrive little by little, and you can wrap them one by one, avoiding the stress that usually comes. 

On years I’ve done this, I’ve found great gifts for the people I love. On the years I haven’t, well…

Good luck and Happy Holidays.


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