A Good Way And A Bad Way

I’m learning there’s a good way to do things and a bad way to do things. 

In October of 2017, my favorite client let me go. I had outgrown the job I was doing, and my performance was slipping. When he let me go, he told me the reasons why in a very matter of fact, unemotional way, and then gave me advice about how to move forward. A bad thing, generally speaking, but he did it in a good way.

I have to have more and more difficult conversations at work these days. Rate negotiations, deadline reminders, expectation clarifications. More serious conversations fall on me these days, and it can be stressful. I hate delivering bad news, and while many of these aren’t strictly “bad news,” they certainly aren’t good news. Times when I have to say some version of “no” aren’t fun times. I’m a yes guy, an idea guy, a “make things happen” guy. 

But I’m realizing recently that there’s a good way to do things and a bad way to do things. Even when I have difficult conversations with people, I can still do it in a way that’s respectful, edifying to them.

That makes it less scary.


The Slow Days


Creating Reality